6 effective ways you can improve your Microsoft 365 security

6 Effective Strategies to Enhance Your Microsoft 365 Security

There are various malicious entities within the cyber threat landscape. So, it is critical that organizations everywhere prioritize cybersecurity solutions and practices to ensure that sensitive data remains safe.

For companies that leverage Microsoft 365, security is at their fingertips, with a range of tools and best practices available. By knowing what these are, businesses and their employees will be able to improve the safety measures of their Microsoft 365 environment while reducing the likelihood of threat actors successfully breaching accounts.

1. Leverage encryption for emails in Outlook

Among Microsoft’s technological solutions, Outlook is an email application that allows users to write, send, and receive emails. And in the business landscape, where information-rich correspondences are commonly sent via email, it is crucial that organizations enable Outlook’s encryption security solution to protect their emails from threats.

With encrypted emails, users can effectively scramble their correspondences, making them unreadable to entities that do not have the appropriate keys to unscramble them.  

2. Limit sharing for SharePoint and OneDrive

Workplace collaboration, information sharing, and file storage are enhanced with Microsoft’s technological solutions, SharePoint and OneDrive. However, it is important to remember that no application is completely risk-free.

Therefore, companies ought to deploy the correct configurations and policies within SharePoint and OneDrive to reduce the chances of data loss. Both cloud apps are automatically set to allow any party with the correct link to edit files. While this may appear convenient, it can pose a threat to the integrity of your organization’s files and information—anyone, no matter who they are, will be able to modify your company’s files.

By configuring all settings related to sharing within SharePoint and OneDrive, you can ensure that only approved parties can access and leverage your business’s sensitive data. Not only will this allow you to increase compliance, but it can also separate your data from the cyber threat landscape, mitigating the chances of everyday and advanced threats from exploiting any vulnerabilities within SharePoint and OneDrive.

3. Deploy multi-factor authentication (MFA)

An effective way to limit unauthorized access to your technological solutions, MFA is a security practice that asks users to present multiple pieces of identification to prove their identity and legitimize their need to access company systems. Typically, MFA may ask for passcodes, fingerprints, and more. Microsoft 365 security can be heightened with MFA, making your accounts and data more secure.

The advantage of MFA lies in its use of additional pieces of authentication. For example, if a malicious actor were to gain access to an employee’s password, they would still not be able to log in to the employee’s account because they do not have other pieces of identification—this can help limit peoples’ access to accounts and ensure that information is being used by authorized personnel only.

4. Implement endpoint security solutions

Actors from the cyber threat landscape do not rest when it comes to locating technological solutions that can be exploited. And when company devices are not safeguarded with cybersecurity solutions, they are more likely to be targeted by cyber-attacks. This can consist of laptops, business-issued cell phones, and more.

Microsoft 365 security solutions offer organizations a comprehensive security ecosystem that can allow you to configure and secure your business’s devices for greater security. Examples of these cybersecurity solutions are advanced threat protection, identity and access management, and device management. Cyber-attacks can occur at any moment, requiring businesses and their devices to be protected at all times.

With Microsoft 365’s device security tools, you can feel confident knowing that your organization’s devices have the necessary protection they need to minimize the chances of network breaches.

5. Make employees undertake security awareness training

Your team members use your organization’s technological solutions and data on a routine basis. They can serve as the enablers of your cybersecurity solutions and practices, so long as they are aware of the dangers of cyber threats. Security awareness training is a worthwhile initiative all businesses should be investing in. It provides employees with a safe space to learn about the cyber threat landscape and how they can protect themselves (and the company) from its dangers.

From explaining the latest trends in network security to teaching participants how to identify and respond to security threats, security training can help you create a strong security culture within the workplace. In these environments, staff understand the role they play in cybersecurity and are vigilant 24/7/365. Training that focuses on Microsoft 365 security can provide you with specialized insights that help ensure security within a Microsoft environment.

6. Partner with a Microsoft 365 security professional

Deploying and managing Microsoft 365 is a full-time commitment. And for business owners and employees that are in the midst of juggling other tasks, staying on top of the latest security trends and threats can be challenging. That is why partnering with a Microsoft 365 security professional is a great way to ensure that your organization’s security solutions are up-to-date and working properly.

IT service providers that specialize in Microsoft 365 work closely with business owners and their teams to make sure that all their Microsoft security solutions are properly configured and monitored. These companies understand that businesses are unique and require customizable cybersecurity solutions. 

Consequently, with a Microsoft 365 security organization safeguarding your digital assets, you will be able to take full advantage of your Microsoft productivity suite (and its security tools) for safer processes and workflows.

Secure your Microsoft 365 environment with specialist security services

Microsoft 365 security solutions can play a vital role in protecting your company data, employees, and reputation.

The Microsoft experts at Davenport Group are experts in cloud security and Microsoft technologies. They can provide you with tailored security services that satisfy all your needs to keep Microsoft 365 environment secure. Contact the team today to learn more. 

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