Break/fix vs managed services: Which is cheapest for you?

The Comparison of Break and Fix Services Vs Managed Services

When a business’s day-to-day processes are regularly stalled by inefficient information technology (IT) systems, it can result in poor operational performance and frustration. And when you consider that downtime can cost your business $5600 every minute, the negative impacts of IT issues can quickly put a dent in your company’s budget.

Break/fix and managed services are two common options for businesses. Both services are designed to help organizations overcome their IT challenges—but which one is the most cost-effective? This article will explore the argument of break/fix vs managed services and help you determine which option is the best fit for your business and budget.

What is the break/fix model?

Break/fix services consist of an IT technician visiting your place of business to fix any identified issues related to your IT solutions. This type of service charges customers by the hour and can also involve other expenses that cover resources the technician needed to complete their work. 

With break/fix solutions, you do not lock yourself into a contract. Once the technician has finished their job, and your technology solutions are running smoothly again, they will leave with no obligation for ongoing maintenance.

What is the fully managed IT services model? 

Fully managed IT services involve an IT provider—known as a managed services provider (MSP)—taking full responsibility for the proactive monitoring and upkeep of an organization’s IT solutions. Typically paid with a monthly fee, an MSP’s services are versatile and can be used by a range of companies, from local small businesses to large organizations. The scale of an MSP’s fully managed IT services is written down in a service-level agreement (SLA).

Managed services encompass the following services:

Break/fix vs managed services: Pros and cons

In order to choose the best support service for your technology systems, you need to be informed of the pros and cons of each solution. They are as follows:

Break/fix services
Fully managed IT services

Break/fix services can be expensive due to longer response times and no preventative solutions. Although it can be helpful for occasional problems, investing in solutions that minimize IT issues is always the recommended, and cheapest, option.

Fully managed IT services are always aligned with your business’s budget and needs. At the same time, as an MSP’s services focus on reducing risks and responding to problems quickly, it can save you time and money in the long run.

Break/fix vs managed services? Ask leading IT professionals for advice

Technology systems need to be operational 24/7/365 to ensure your business stays competitive. Managed services offer this and more.

The managed services package at Davenport Group can maintain the security and performance of your IT solutions with expert care and attention. If you want a robust IT environment that will help your company scale up, talk to the team now.

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