How IT solutions are changing the education sector

How IT Solutions Are Transforming the Education Sector

Technology has become society’s backbone, particularly in a post-pandemic world where people want flexibility and accessibility in equal measure. The education sector is no different. In fact, the rapid development of information technology (IT) solutions has transformed the way educational institutions (from elementary schools all the way to higher education) teach students.

This article will go over how IT solutions are changing the education sector, along with providing you with tips for implementing technology into your academically inclined organization.

The importance of technology in education

Technology has become an essential tool for supporting the 100,000+ schools (secondary and elementary) and the “close to 4,000 different colleges and universities” that make up the United States education sector. Every day, these institutions encourage students to work to the best of their abilities—something that has been made easier with technology tools.

IT solutions have given teachers the ability to streamline processes, allowing them to become more efficient and productive with their work and teaching methods, resulting in heightened levels of student engagement. At the same time, IT solutions have allowed the education sector’s workers to digitize learning materials to save time and make these resources accessible around the clock.

From a social standpoint, tech tools unlock additional opportunities for communication and collaboration between students. For example, gamification—when game-like elements are used to engage students—can revolutionize how students approach their work and learning.    

All in all, technology tools have the power to support both teachers and students in their journeys. For the former, IT solutions can streamline workflow processes to improve efficiency. And for the latter, these tools tap directly into their learning, allowing them to absorb foundational information for long-term success.

2 ways IT solutions are transforming the education sector

IT solutions have brought new possibilities to the education sector, making it easier for students to learn and for educators to carry out work processes. Two IT solutions that are revolutionizing education are virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Virtual reality

With a global market expected “to reach … [$]13,098.2 million by 2026,” virtual reality is an immersive technology tool that provides students with simulated experiences that can innovate their learning. Nowadays, educational institutions are not restricted to brick-and-mortar buildings. 

With VR, educators can create awe-inspiring lessons that appeal to students’ creativity without undermining staple work and processes. For example, VR tools could let a geography class take a field trip to a foreign country for a more immersive learning experience. And when combined with augmented reality (AR), VR-based technology tools can enhance the usability of learning materials for a deeper understanding—even for difficult topics. 

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another IT solution that is transforming education. AI can be used to personalize learning by analyzing a student’s performance in relation to tasks, and tailoring the materials to cater to their level of understanding. Rather than letting students fall through the cracks, AI can help uplift them.

For educators, there are numerous use cases for AI. For instance, it can be used to automate administrative tasks such as grading, leaving teachers with more time to focus on lesson planning and liaising with students. At the same time, AI could be used to streamline business processes in the backend of schools, such as procedures covering admissions. 

Tips for implementing IT solutions in an educational institution

Deploying IT solutions within any industry can be challenging. But for the education sector, it can be especially tricky. Between managing systems, upholding business workflows, and ensuring IT security, educational institutions have a responsibility to integrate technology tools into their operations securely and efficiently.

Here are some tips for successfully implementing IT solutions in an educational institution:

Reap the benefits of streamlined processes with technology tools

Technology tools have made education more accessible and interactive for students. VR and AI are two solutions that have contributed to this—so why not embrace more technology?

Davenport Group’s managed services have assisted many companies in the education sector with their IT needs. From maintenance to support, the team at Davenport Group has the expertise and resources to take on any project, manage your infrastructure, and ensure your institution leverages streamlined processes.

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