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The benefits of Microsoft 365 for small companies: A list

Benefits of Microsoft 365 for Small Companies

Small businesses face plenty of challenges as they work to grow their influence. But with the right technologies streamlining their business processes, they will have an easier time scaling upwards. And of all the solutions in the market that can help with this, small companies should have their sights set on Microsoft 365 (M365).

This article will look at the benefits of Microsoft 365 for small companies, sharing all the ways Microsoft productivity tools will help your business streamline processes for long-term efficiency. 

Benefits of Microsoft 365 for small businesses

The benefits that Microsoft 365 can offer your small business are as follows:

1. Improve team productivity

M365 is a cloud-based suite, meaning that its tools can be accessed through any device via an Internet connection. This can be particularly useful for small companies embracing hybrid work or team members already spread out across different locations. With M365, you can easily share documents and access information within a centralized productivity platform—useful for keeping everyone in sync and working towards common goals.

M365 contains several Microsoft productivity tools and applications that support various business practices, helping your team work more efficiently. From Excel to PowerPoint, these apps are designed to automate business processes, manage projects, and make it easier for your employees to leverage their expertise to better serve customers.  

2. Advanced security measures

One of the most notable benefits of Microsoft 365 is its security features. With solutions such as identity and access management, small companies can control what entities are authorized to access data to reduce unlawful breaches and data loss. This level of security can be further heightened by managing MFA strengths.  

At the same time, M365’s advanced threat protection features offer malware and phishing protection plus monitoring capabilities to safeguard your organization’s information from cyber threats. When put together, these services work to secure your business’s workflow processes and improve the security of your M365 environment and employees. 

3. Streamlined collaboration

Like at any sized business, employees at small companies must be able to collaborate on tasks. And with Microsoft productivity tools, collaboration is not only achievable but seamless. 

Microsoft 365 supports real-time co-authoring that allows numerous employees to access a document and edit it at the same time. Any changes that are made during co-authoring sessions are synchronized across the company. This means that you and your colleagues do not have to worry about using an out-of-date document or data, saving you time and allowing everyone to focus on important company initiatives. 

One of the other benefits of Microsoft 365 is its cloud-based storage. M365 makes it easy to store and share documents with your team using tools like OneDrive and SharePoint. So, regardless of where you or your employees are working, you can have peace of mind knowing that everyone has the resources they need to work together.

4. Versatile communication tools

To streamline processes, small companies need to have communication tools that ensure team members are contactable. Microsoft 365 offers tools designed to make communication easier and more efficient. To keep things simple, the two M365 solutions that small companies ought to leverage are as follows:

With M365’s communication solutions, you can streamline processes surrounding your company’s communication channels, letting you stay in touch with colleagues and clients through verbal and written correspondence. Also, with features like Outlook’s calendar, you can easily plan your schedule and simplify task management.

5. Budget-friendly subscription models

For small companies, one of the most notable benefits of Microsoft 365 is its budget-friendly plans. M365 is available in a set of subscriptions that require organizations to pay per user/per month. This payment method can guarantee that you only pay for the features you and your team need. At the same time, a clear price can be useful for small companies since predictable expenses are often easier to factor into monthly budgets.

Utilize the benefits of streamlining processes with Microsoft productivity tools

The Microsoft productivity tools offered in M365 can support small companies in a range of areas, from improved collaboration and productivity to enhanced information security. With M365 as your productivity suite of choice, you can automate your processes and transform your business for greater profits and efficiency.

As a certified Microsoft services provider, the Davenport Group team can help you streamline your operations with all the benefits of Microsoft 365 for business success. From implementation to maintenance, Davenport Group can ensure your organization makes the most of M365 while remaining cyber-safe and compliant. 

So, if you are eager to streamline processes and prepare your company for rapid, secure growth, leverage the Microsoft services at Davenport Group.

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