How managed IT services drives business growth for SMBs

How managed IT services propel business expansion for SMBs

The United States has “33.2 million small businesses”, effectively making them (and even their medium-sized counterparts) essential to the national and global economy. However, this does not come without a set of challenges. 

Information technology (IT) is foundational to business success. But with small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often working with fewer resources compared to large enterprises, they may find leveraging the maximum value of their IT solutions challenging. 

That is why managed IT services is such a valuable investment for SMBs. This article will list all the ways managed services can help SMBs stay ahead of the competition and scale up.

What are managed IT services?

Managed services refers to a set of technology services conducted by a managed IT service provider (or MSP) to maintain a company’s IT infrastructure. MSPs offer a comprehensive set of supportive solutions and practices, such as: 

With managed IT services, organizations pay for access to a customizable set of supportive services. While it is possible to hire an MSP to work alongside existing IT staff (co-managed services), businesses—especially smaller ones—may often find it easier to have an MSP fully manage their information systems and business technologies themselves.

How managed IT services drive business growth

With SMBs expected to increase their technology spending in 2023, it is critical that they have a team of experienced IT professionals offering support and guidance to ensure their investments are not wasted. An MSP can offer you this and more, ultimately helping to drive growth and innovation for your company.     

1. Increased technical and operational efficiency

When your systems are operational and optimized, you and your team can enable critical business processes that streamline operations, resulting in more revenue and better customer satisfaction. 

Managed IT service providers can design, deploy, and manage any sized IT system effectively. This means that SMBs can benefit from the latest business technologies and best practices for a cohesive IT environment well equipped to handle the demands of their needs. 

2. Cost-effective services

Managed IT service providers work with their clients to create service-level agreements (SLAs) that outline the services they will provide and the pricing models both parties are expected to follow. SLAs are unique to every company and should always be made with your interests as a top priority. 

Not only can SLAs help you effectively budget for your SMB’s IT solutions, but they also provide a reference point for your partner MSP’s service model and their responsibilities. With an SLA, you can check that you are only paying for the IT solutions and services you need. 

3. Access to cloud services

Simply put, the cloud allows companies to access resources over the Internet. This means that SMBs can expand their operations with the cloud, allowing employees to work from any location and device. Examples of cloud platforms include Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.

Managed IT services supply SMBs with various cloud-based service offerings, such as migrations and security. With an MSP managing your cloud environment, your SMB will have the ability to increase its operational agility with scalable technology, allowing your company to improve its competitive edge.

4. Dynamic cybersecurity measures

All SMBs should have security measures to protect their data and IT solutions 24/7/365. Failing to implement cybersecurity solutions can lead to data breaches, damaged networks, and a poor business reputation. Managed IT services focusing on cybersecurity safeguards business technologies and data with numerous tools and practices, including access control solutions, risk assessments, data center backups, endpoint protection, and more.   

Also, managed IT service providers that offer cybersecurity training can teach employees how to spot and respond to potential cyber threats—a useful risk mitigation solution.

5. Scalable IT infrastructures

As SMBs grow, their IT needs change. Managed IT service providers can help SMBs safely add or remove IT resources as needed. This means that your IT environment’s power and storage capabilities will always be in sync with your goals. 

6. Enhanced employee productivity

MSPs provide SMBs with holistic IT services that are designed to support employees and processes with technology. From minimizing downtime to regularly updating hardware and software IT solutions, MSPs keep business technologies optimized for daily use. 

Let a top managed IT services provider scale up your SMB

Managed IT services can drive business growth for SMBs by sourcing, deploying, and maintaining the latest business technologies. 

A leading MSP, Davenport Group offers managed services to SMBs across America. With their forward-thinking business mindsets and expertise in IT solutions, the Davenport Group team can provide your SMB with all the technical support it needs to upgrade its processes and achieve long-term business success.

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